Batter Bakery

Stay-at-home Holiday Sweets

Jen M.Comment
Cookie Decorating Kit 1.jpeg

‘Tis the season to STAY AT HOME this year. We’ve got you covered. Sending gifts? Keep checking our online store for new additions throughout the week - cookie packs, gift loaves, and more!

Craving that festive feel? Cookie decorating is the perfect activity for virtual gathering. Kits - available in half dozen or dozen sets - can be shipped and paired with either a virtual Zoom decorating class, or access to a recorded cookie demo video. Find more info HERE on our virtual holiday cookie decorating! Pull out those aprons, crank up the holiday tunes, and get ready to decorate!

Learn pro cookie tips with our demo video here!


Batter will be closed for our annual holiday break 12/23-1/5, reopening Wed 1/6!